Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act - The Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act mandates robust transparency measures for state and federal legislative processes, including live-streamed sessions, real-time public access to proposed legislation, and structured public comment periods. It holds federal representatives accountable for engaging with state legislative processes and empowers citizens to vote on federal laws if public comment is not allowed. Click for More Information
Dynamic Oversight and Government Efficiency Act - The Dynamic Oversight and Government Efficiency Act establishes a requirement for dynamic fiscal analysis of all government programs exceeding $50 million in projected or actual costs. It also mandates retroactive scoring of programs enacted since January 1, 2011, to ensure ongoing fiscal accountability and to optimize government efficiency. Click for More Information
Governmental Transparency and Efficiency in Executive Actions Act - The Governmental Transparency and Efficiency in Executive Actions Act establishes clear protocols and reporting requirements for executive orders, administrative actions, and state-level emergencies. It seeks to enhance public awareness, ensure legislative oversight, and streamline processes to promote effective governance. Click for More Information
Education Impact Transparency Act - The Education Impact Transparency Act ensures transparency and accountability in the event of significant reductions to the scope, workforce, or budget of the U.S. Department of Education. It mandates an independent study to assess and report the impact of such reductions on public schools at the district and school levels. The study must be completed within 90 days and made publicly available to all taxpayers and families. Additionally, the report will include statements made by elected officials regarding their positions on the reductions. Click for More Information
State Agency Self-Sufficiency Act - The State Agency Self-Sufficiency Act prohibits state agencies from using state resources to hire private contractors to perform government functions. The agency itself must execute all tasks and responsibilities assigned to a state agency. If an agency determines that a task cannot be performed internally, it shall be deemed unnecessary and not executed. Click for More Information
Efficiency First Commission Act - The Efficiency First Commission Act establishes an independent, temporary commission to review state government operations, reduce inefficiencies, streamline regulations, and optimize expenditures. The commission will evaluate government functions, recommend cost-saving measures, and propose reforms to enhance service delivery and economic growth. Click for More Information
State Sovereignty
State Energy Sovereignty Act - The State Energy Sovereignty Act ensures that local energy resources prioritize the needs of state residents and businesses by prohibiting utilities from selling electricity to neighboring states. This legislation aims to enhance energy independence, maintain affordable energy prices, and protect the state’s economic stability. Limited exceptions are allowed for federally declared emergencies, mutual aid agreements, and federally mandated interconnections. Regulatory oversight and economic impact assessments ensure compliance and transparency. Click for More Information
Federal Sovereignty Opt-Out Act - The Federal Sovereignty Opt-Out Act empowers counties to assert greater self-governance by allowing them to decline specific federal programs, activities, or funding within their jurisdiction, with certain restrictions and safeguards. This Act seeks to balance local autonomy with state and national interests, providing counties with tools to assert sovereignty while ensuring transparency, financial accountability, and compliance with constitutional requirements. Click for More Information
Fair Use of Federal Disaster Aid Act - The Fair Use of Federal Disaster Aid Act ensures that federal disaster aid prioritizes state residents and local businesses directly impacted by disasters. It excludes foreign-owned corporations from receiving aid unless explicitly waived for critical recovery purposes and mandates transparency and proportional distribution of funds. The Act emphasizes fairness, accountability, and public trust in disaster relief efforts. Click for More Information
Local Property Rights Protection Act - The Local Property Rights Protection Act restricts the use of eminent domain for federal projects within the state, requiring local approval and public hearings before property can be taken. It ensures property owners receive enhanced compensation and relocation assistance and allows limited exemptions for national security and emergencies. This Act emphasizes protecting private property rights and empowering communities in land use decisions. Click for More Information
Federal Balanced Budget Compliance Act - The Federal Balanced Budget Compliance Act requires the State to reject all federal funding until the federal government balances its budget, aligning with the Trump Administration’s “America First” fiscal policies. This legislation is designed to encourage federal fiscal responsibility while reducing dependency on federal assistance. The Act includes mechanisms for mitigating potential impacts on state programs and a sunset clause to ensure temporary enforcement. Click for More Information
Electoral Reform
Breaking the Power Grip Act - The Breaking the Power Grip prohibits the establishment and operation of Leadership Political Action Committees (Leadership PACs) to prevent the consolidation of political power among a limited number of legislators and promote equitable political influence among all members. Click for More Information
Elected Official Accountability Act - TheElected Official Accountability Residency Act ensures that state-elected officials remain closely connected to their constituents by limiting the amount of time they can spend outside the state during their term of office. This Act aims to foster greater accountability, responsiveness, and transparency among elected officials, reinforcing their connection to their constituencies while balancing necessary exceptions for official duties and emergencies. Click for More Information
Uniform Identification Act - The Uniform Identification Act establishes a standardized approach to identification requirements for voting, aligning them with the standards required for firearm purchases, to promote consistency, fairness, and security. This Act aims to create uniform standards for identification across fundamental rights, reinforcing trust and security in the voting process while providing accommodations to ensure accessibility. Click for More Information