Governmental Transparency and
Efficiency in Executive Actions Act

The Governmental Transparency and Efficiency in Executive Actions Act establishes clear protocols and reporting requirements for executive orders, administrative actions, and state-level emergencies. It seeks to enhance public awareness, ensure legislative oversight, and streamline processes to promote effective governance.

Key Provisions

  • Mandatory Legislative Reporting: The Governor is required to submit a detailed report to the Legislature within 30 days of issuing an executive order, detailing the rationale, expected outcomes, and fiscal impact of the action.

  • Enhanced Public Notification: All executive orders and administrative actions must be published in a central, publicly accessible online repository within 48 hours of issuance to ensure transparency.

  • Periodic Review of Emergency Powers: For any state of emergency declared by the Governor, legislative approval is required to extend the emergency status beyond 60 days, ensuring checks and balances during prolonged crises.

  • Impact Assessment Requirement: Before implementing major administrative actions, the Governor’s Office must conduct an impact assessment outlining potential effects on the state budget, local governments, and small businesses.

  • Process Improvement Initiative: A dedicated task force is established to review and recommend improvements to the efficiency and transparency of state government operations, including the handling of administrative processes.

Model Language

Section 1. Title: This Act shall be known and may be cited as the “Governmental Transparency and Efficiency in Executive Actions Act.”

Section 2. Legislative Findings and Intent: The Legislature finds that effective governance requires transparency, accountability, and collaboration between the executive and legislative branches. This Act is intended to ensure robust oversight of executive actions and to promote efficient administrative processes that serve the public interest.

Section 3. Definitions: For purposes of this Act:

  • “Executive order” means an official directive or proclamation issued by the Governor under the authority of state law.

  • “Administrative action” means any decision, rule, or policy implemented by an executive agency under the direction of the Governor.

  • “State of emergency” means a temporary condition declared by the Governor due to a disaster or imminent threat that affects public safety or welfare.

Section 4. Mandatory Legislative Reporting

(a) The Governor shall provide a detailed report to the Legislature within 30 days of issuing an executive order. The report shall include:

(1) A summary of the executive order and its objectives.

(2) The anticipated fiscal impact and source of funding.

(3) The expected benefits or outcomes.

(4) Any relevant data or analysis used to justify the order.

Section 5. Enhanced Public Notification
(a) The Governor’s Office shall maintain a publicly accessible online repository for all executive orders and administrative actions.
(b) All executive orders must be published within 48 hours of issuance, with accompanying documentation detailing their scope and intended impact.

Section 6. Periodic Review of Emergency Powers

(a) A state of emergency declared by the Governor shall expire 60 days after its issuance unless extended by a concurrent resolution of the Legislature.

(b) The Governor must submit a justification report to the Legislature for any proposed extension of a state of emergency.

Section 7. Impact Assessment Requirement

(a) For administrative actions expected to have significant statewide impacts, the Governor’s Office shall conduct an impact assessment that includes:

(1) A fiscal analysis.

(2) An evaluation of effects on local governments and small businesses.

(3) Recommendations for mitigating potential negative outcomes.

Section 8. Process Improvement Initiative

(a) The Legislature shall establish a Government Process Improvement Task Force composed of members from the executive branch, legislative branch, and public representatives.

(b) The Task Force shall:

(1) Identify inefficiencies in current administrative processes.

(2) Recommend strategies for improving transparency and effectiveness.

(3) Submit an annual report of findings to the Legislature.

Section 9. Effective Date: This Act shall take effect 90 days after becoming law.

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