Uniform Identification Act

The Uniform Identification Act establishes a standardized approach to identification requirements for voting, aligning them with the standards required for firearm purchases, to promote consistency, fairness, and security. This Act aims to create uniform standards for identification across fundamental rights, reinforcing trust and security in the voting process while providing accommodations to ensure accessibility.

Key Provisions

  • Standardized Identification for Voting: Requires individuals registering to vote or voting (in-person or by mail) to present valid government-issued photo identification meeting the same standards as those for firearm purchases. Acceptable IDs include driver’s licenses, passports, military IDs, or concealed carry permits.

  • Exemptions and Accessibility: Provides free state-issued voter ID cards to individuals unable to obtain other identification due to financial hardship, disability, or extraordinary circumstances. Mandates election offices to work with state agencies to facilitate voter ID issuance.

  • Implementation and Oversight: The Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing implementation and ensuring compliance. A statewide public education campaign will inform residents about the new requirements and the process for obtaining identification.

  • Penalties for Non-Compliance: Election officials failing to enforce ID requirements face disciplinary actions. Fraudulent activities related to identification for voting or firearm purposes will be penalized under state law.

Model Language

Section 1. Short Title: This Act shall be known as the “Uniform Identification Act.”

Section 2. Purpose: The purpose of this Act is to standardize identification requirements across fundamental rights, applying the same standards required for firearm purchases and ownership to the voting process. This ensures consistency, fairness, and security in the exercise of these essential rights.

Section 3. Identification Requirement for Voting

(a) Standardized Identification for Voter Registration and Voting:

  1. Individuals registering to vote or casting a ballot in-person or by mail must present or submit valid, government-issued photo identification that meets the standards required for firearm purchases under state law.

  2. Acceptable forms of identification include, but are not limited to:

    1. State driver’s license or identification card.

    2. Passport or military ID.

    3. Concealed carry permit or other state-recognized firearm-related identification.

(b) Exemptions and Accessibility:

  1. Individuals unable to obtain identification due to financial hardship, disability, or other extraordinary circumstances may apply for a state-issued voter identification card free of charge.

  2. Election offices shall coordinate with state agencies to facilitate the issuance of identification for eligible voters.

Section 4. Implementation and Oversight

(a) Administration: The Secretary of State shall oversee the implementation of the Uniform Identification Act and ensure compliance at all levels of the voting process.

(b) Public Awareness Campaign: A statewide public education campaign shall inform residents about the new requirements, including how to obtain the necessary identification.

Section 5. Penalties for Non-Compliance

(a) Election officials who knowingly fail to enforce identification requirements shall be subject to disciplinary action, including fines or suspension.

(b) Fraudulent use or obtaining of identification for voting or firearm-related activities shall be penalized according to existing state laws governing such offenses.

Section 6. Severability: If any provision of this Act is found unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

Section 7. Effective Date: This Act shall take effect on [date].

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