Elected Official Accountability Act
The Elected Official Accountability Act ensures that state-elected officials remain closely connected to their constituents by limiting the amount of time they can spend outside the state during their term of office. This Act aims to foster greater accountability, responsiveness, and transparency among elected officials, reinforcing their connection to their constituencies while balancing necessary exceptions for official duties and emergencies.
Key Provisions
Residency Requirements: Officials may not spend more than two consecutive nights per week outside the state, with exceptions for emergencies or essential government functions approved by the state ethics commission.Officials may not exceed 60 total days outside the state per calendar year, inclusive of consecutive and non-consecutive travel days.
Reporting and Transparency: Officials must submit monthly travel logs detailing the purpose, duration, and destination of out-of-state trips to the state ethics commission. Travel logs will be made publicly available online for constituents to monitor compliance.
Oversight and Enforcement: The state ethics commission oversees compliance, reviews travel logs, and investigates violations.
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Public reprimand or fines up to $5,000 per violation. Suspension of state-funded travel reimbursements for unapproved travel. Repeat violations may lead to referral for impeachment proceedings or other legislative disciplinary actions.
Exceptions: Travel related to emergencies, military service, national security, or judicial obligations does not count toward weekly or annual limits.
Model Language
Section 1. Short Title: This Act shall be known as the “Elected Official Accountability Act.”
Section 2. Purpose: The purpose of this Act is to ensure that state-elected officials remain connected to their constituents by limiting the amount of time they spend outside the state during their term of office, fostering greater accountability and responsiveness to local needs.
Section 3. Residency Requirements for Elected Officials
(a) Weekly Limit on Absence:
Elected officials shall not spend more than two consecutive nights per week outside the state.
Exceptions may be granted for emergencies, national security matters, or essential government functions requiring extended travel, as approved by the state ethics commission.
(b) Annual Limit on Out-of-State Travel:
Elected officials shall not spend more than 60 total days per calendar year outside the state.
All travel days, whether consecutive or non-consecutive, shall count toward the annual limit.
Section 4. Reporting and Transparency
(a) Travel Logs:
Elected officials must submit a detailed travel log to the state ethics commission on a monthly basis.
Logs shall include the purpose, duration, and destination of each out-of-state trip.
(b) Public Accessibility: Travel logs shall be made publicly available online, allowing constituents to monitor compliance with this Act.
Section 5. Oversight and Compliance
(a) State Ethics Commission Role: The state ethics commission shall oversee compliance with this Act, review travel logs, and investigate potential violations. The commission may grant exemptions for extraordinary circumstances, provided they are publicly disclosed.
(b) Penalties for Non-Compliance:
Elected officials exceeding the weekly or annual travel limits without approved exemptions may face penalties, including:
Public reprimand.
Fines of up to [$5,000] per violation.
Temporary suspension of state-provided travel reimbursements.
Repeat violations may result in referral for impeachment proceedings or other disciplinary action as determined by the state legislature.
Section 6. Exceptions: The following absences shall not count toward weekly or annual limits:
Emergency travel authorized by the state ethics commission.
Military service obligations or other national security matters.
Travel required by federal law or judicial proceedings.
Section 7. Severability: If any provision of this Act is found unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected.
Section 8. Effective Date: This Act shall take effect on [date].