Breaking the Power Grip Act

The Breaking the Power Grip prohibits the establishment and operation of Leadership Political Action Committees (Leadership PACs) to prevent the consolidation of political power among a limited number of legislators and promote equitable political influence among all members.

Key Provisions

  • Prohibition on Formation of Leadership PACs: Legislators, including those in leadership positions, are prohibited from forming or registering Leadership Political Action Committees (Leadership PACs) under any state or federal election laws.

  • Ban on Fundraising Through Leadership PACs: Legislators are prohibited from soliciting, accepting, or managing funds through Leadership PACs or any equivalent political fundraising entity.

  • Closure of Existing Leadership PACs: All existing Leadership PACs within the jurisdiction must dissolve within a specified period, with all remaining funds disposed of according to applicable campaign finance laws.

  • Penalties for Non-Compliance: Legislators or entities found in violation of this legislation shall face specified penalties, including fines, restrictions on political fundraising, or other disciplinary actions.

  • Transparency and Equitable Campaign Funding: The legislation reaffirms the importance of equitable campaign funding mechanisms to ensure fair participation in the democratic process and reduce undue influence by consolidated political interests.

Model Language

Section 1. Short Title This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Leadership PAC Prohibition Act."

Section 2. Findings and Purpose (a) The Legislature finds that: (1) Leadership Political Action Committees (Leadership PACs) allow certain legislators, particularly those in leadership positions, to consolidate disproportionate political influence; (2) Such consolidation undermines the equitable representation and functioning of legislative bodies by enabling the concentration of power among a select few members; and (3) Prohibiting the formation and operation of Leadership PACs will promote fair and transparent political fundraising practices and prevent undue political influence.

(b) The purpose of this Act is to: (1) Prohibit the formation, fundraising, and operation of Leadership PACs by any member of the Legislature; (2) Ensure compliance with campaign finance laws; and (3) Promote equitable political influence and accountability in fundraising activities.

Section 3. Prohibition on Leadership PACs (a) No legislator, regardless of leadership status, may establish, operate, or register a Leadership Political Action Committee (Leadership PAC) or any equivalent fundraising entity. (b) No legislator may solicit, accept, or manage funds through any Leadership PAC or equivalent entity.

Section 4. Dissolution of Existing Leadership PACs (a) All Leadership PACs operating within the jurisdiction shall dissolve within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this Act. (b) Any remaining funds in dissolved Leadership PACs shall be disposed of in compliance with state or federal campaign finance laws, including the return of funds to donors or transfer to authorized general campaign funds.

Section 5. Penalties for Violations (a) Any legislator found to be in violation of this Act shall be subject to the following penalties: (1) A civil fine of up to [$X,XXX] for each violation; (2) Revocation of campaign fundraising privileges for a period not exceeding [X] years; and (3) Additional disciplinary measures as determined by the [state ethics commission or relevant authority]. (b) Violations shall be adjudicated by the [state ethics commission or relevant authority].

Section 6. Effective Date This Act shall take effect [insert date], with full implementation to occur no later than [insert date].

Section 7. Severability If any provision of this Act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the Act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.

Section 8. Repealer All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.

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