Dynamic Oversight and Government Efficiency Act

The Dynamic Oversight and Government Efficiency Act establishes a requirement for dynamic fiscal analysis of all government programs exceeding $50 million in projected or actual costs. It also mandates retroactive scoring of programs enacted since January 1, 2011, to ensure ongoing fiscal accountability and to optimize government efficiency.

Key Provisions

  • Dynamic Scoring for Proposed Programs: Requires dynamic fiscal analysis for any proposed government program with a cost of $50 million or more, including detailed evaluations of its long-term economic impact on employment, revenue, and growth.

  • Retroactive Scoring of Existing Programs: Mandates dynamic analysis of all programs enacted on or after January 1, 2011, meeting the $50 million threshold, using the best available data to evaluate their economic outcomes.

  • Transparency in Analysis: Ensures all analyses are publicly accessible, with detailed documentation of methodologies and assumptions used in the scoring process to promote accountability.

  • Independent Oversight of Scoring Process: Assigns a neutral agency, such as the state’s Office of Budget and Management, to conduct dynamic scoring and ensure objectivity and credibility in all evaluations.

  • Periodic Re-Evaluation of Programs: Requires all programs subject to retroactive scoring to undergo re-evaluation every five years to account for economic shifts and program changes.

Model Language

Section 1. Title: This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Dynamic Oversight and Government Efficiency Act" or the "DOGE Act."

Section 2. Definitions

(a) "Dynamic scoring" means a fiscal analysis method that evaluates the macroeconomic effects of proposed or existing programs, including projected impacts on employment, economic growth, and government revenues.

(b) "Program" refers to any government initiative, policy, or expenditure exceeding $50 million in projected or actual costs.

Section 3. Dynamic Scoring Requirement for Proposed Programs

(a) Before legislative approval of any program with projected costs of $50 million or more, a dynamic fiscal analysis shall be conducted to evaluate its economic impact over a ten-year period.

(b) The analysis must consider potential changes in gross domestic product (GDP), employment, investments, and government revenues.

(c) Results of the analysis shall be submitted to the legislature and made publicly available at least thirty (30) days before the program’s final vote.

Section 4. Retroactive Scoring of Existing Programs

(a) All programs enacted on or after January 1, 2011, with actual or projected costs of $50 million or more shall undergo dynamic fiscal analysis.

(b) Retroactive scoring shall begin within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this Act and conclude within two (2) years.

(c) Analyses shall rely on the best available data and identify any limitations or uncertainties in projections.

Section 5. Transparency and Public Accessibility

(a) All dynamic scoring reports shall include a comprehensive methodology, data sources, and assumptions used during the evaluation.

(b) Reports shall be published on the responsible agency’s website within ninety (90) days of completion for public review and comment.

Section 6. Periodic Re-Evaluation of Programs

(a) Programs subject to retroactive scoring under Section 4 shall be re-assessed every five (5) years to incorporate updated economic data and account for program modifications or changes in economic conditions.

(b) Re-evaluation reports shall follow the same transparency and accessibility requirements outlined in Section 5.

Section 7. Oversight and Administration

(a) The [State Office of Budget and Management or equivalent entity] shall be responsible for conducting and overseeing dynamic scoring evaluations.

(b) The agency may engage qualified independent experts to assist in preparing analyses, provided neutrality and transparency are maintained.

Section 8. Appropriation of Funds: Funding necessary to implement this Act shall be allocated from the general fund or an appropriate budgetary source as determined by the legislature.

Section 9. Effective Date: This Act shall take effect immediately upon its enactment.

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