Public University Sports Broadcasting Accessibility Act
The Public University Sports Broadcasting Accessibility Act ensures that public university sporting events remain accessible to the public by prohibiting exclusive broadcasting agreements with subscription-based streaming services. The legislation requires games to be available through over-the-air television, basic cable, or freely accessible platforms. It also supports local businesses by offering affordable licensing for establishments and guarantees students free access to games. The Act aims to foster community engagement, equitable access, and support for small businesses.
Key Provisions
Public Broadcast Requirement: Teams receiving public financing must make games available via over-the-air broadcasts, basic cable, or freely accessible online platforms. Exclusive agreements with subscription-only streaming services are prohibited unless a free access option is provided.
Affordable Ticket Program: At least 5% of tickets for each game must be allocated to discounted ticket sales for state residents. Discounted tickets must be priced at no more than 50% of the average ticket price, with priority given to low-income residents, students, and veterans.
Community Benefit Reporting: Teams must submit annual reports detailing public financing received, broadcast accessibility, affordable ticket programs, and community engagement efforts.
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Teams failing to comply with the Act may face fines of up to $250,000 per violation and become ineligible for future public financing for repeated violations.
Model Language
Section 1. Short Title: This Act shall be known as the "Public University Sports Broadcasting Accessibility Act.
Section 2. Purpose
The purpose of this Act is to ensure that sporting events hosted by public universities remain accessible to the general public without requiring exclusive access through subscription-based streaming platforms.
Section 3. Definitions
(a) "Public University" means any state-funded institution of higher education.
(b) "Sporting Event" refers to any athletic competition organized or hosted by a public university.
(c) "Subscription-Based Streaming Platform" means any online service requiring a paid subscription to view content.
(d) "Over-the-Air Broadcast" refers to freely accessible television broadcasts available without a subscription.
(e) "Basic Cable Network" means any cable channel included in standard cable television packages.
(f) "Freely Accessible Platform" means an online platform or service that does not require a paid subscription or significant personal data collection to access content.
Section 4. Prohibition on Exclusive Streaming Agreements
(a) Public universities shall not enter into any contract or agreement that makes their sporting events exclusively available on subscription-based streaming platforms.
(b) All sporting events must be broadcast through at least one of the following:
(i) Over-the-air television.
(ii) Basic cable networks included in standard cable packages.
(iii) University-owned or affiliated platforms that are freely accessible to the public.
Section 5. Student Access Provision: Public universities shall provide enrolled students free access to live broadcasts of all their sporting events, either through campus-based networks or digital platforms.
Section 6. Licensing for Local Establishments
(a) Public universities shall offer affordable licensing options for local establishments to legally broadcast sporting events.
(b) Licensing fees shall not exceed a reasonable cost as determined by the state Department of Commerce.
Section 7. Enforcement and Penalties
(a) The [State Broadcasting Authority] shall oversee compliance with this Act.
(b) Violations of this Act may result in fines of up to $100,000 per incident.
(c) Repeat violations may result in the suspension of future broadcasting agreements for a period determined by the [State Broadcasting Authority].
Section 8. Reporting Requirements: Public universities shall submit an annual report to the [State Broadcasting Authority] detailing all broadcasting agreements and compliance efforts under this Act.
Section 9. Severability: If any provision of this Act is found invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 10. Effective Date: This Act shall take effect 180 days after enactment.