Public Access to Professional Sports Act
The Public Access to Professional Sports Act ensures that professional sports teams benefiting from public financing for stadium construction or renovation provide broad access to game broadcasts and affordable tickets. The Act prohibits exclusive broadcasting agreements with subscription-only platforms unless a free access option is available. It also mandates discounted ticket programs for state residents and requires teams to submit annual reports on compliance and community benefits. This legislation promotes equitable access, supports local communities, and ensures that taxpayer-funded sports facilities provide tangible public benefits.
Key Provisions
Public Broadcast Requirement: Teams receiving public financing must make games available via over-the-air broadcasts, basic cable, or freely accessible online platforms. Exclusive agreements with subscription-only streaming services are prohibited unless a free access option is provided.
Affordable Ticket Program: At least 5% of tickets for each game must be allocated to discounted ticket sales for state residents. Discounted tickets must be priced at no more than 50% of the average ticket price, with priority given to low-income residents, students, and veterans.
Community Benefit Reporting: Teams must submit annual reports detailing public financing received, broadcast accessibility, affordable ticket programs, and community engagement efforts.
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Teams failing to comply with the Act may face fines of up to $250,000 per violation and become ineligible for future public financing for repeated violations.
Model Language
Section 1. Short Title: This Act shall be known as the "Public Access to Professional Sports Act."
Section 2. Purpose: The purpose of this Act is to ensure that professional sports teams benefiting from public financing for stadium construction or renovation provide broad public access to game broadcasts and affordable ticket options, thereby protecting taxpayers' interests and promoting community engagement.
Section 3. Definitions
(a) Professional Sports Team means any organization participating in a professional sports league that receives public financing for stadium construction, renovation, or maintenance.
(b) Public Financing refers to any direct or indirect financial assistance provided by the state or local government, including grants, loans, tax incentives, or bond issuance.
(c) Over-the-Air Broadcast refers to a television broadcast that can be received without a subscription through standard antennas.
(d) Basic Cable Network means any cable channel included in a standard cable television package available without premium subscription fees.
(e) Freely Accessible Platform refers to any digital platform offering game broadcasts without requiring a subscription fee or significant personal data collection.
Section 4. Public Broadcast Requirement
(a) Broadcast Accessibility:
(i) Professional sports teams receiving public financing shall ensure that all regular season and playoff games are made available to the general public through at least one of the following mediums:
Over-the-air broadcast
Basic cable network
Freely accessible online platform operated by the team or league
(ii) Teams are prohibited from entering into exclusive broadcasting agreements with subscription-based streaming services unless a free access option is also provided.
(b) Reporting Requirement: Teams must submit an annual compliance report to the [State Broadcasting Authority] detailing the mediums through which games were made accessible and any changes to broadcasting agreements.
Section 5. Affordable Ticket Program
(a) Discounted Tickets:
Professional sports teams shall allocate at least 5% of tickets for each home game to be sold at discounted rates for state residents.
(i) Priority for discounted tickets shall be given to:
Low-income residents
(b) Price Cap: Discounted tickets shall be priced at no more than 50% of the average ticket price for that game.
(c) Distribution Mechanism: Teams must establish a transparent process for distributing discounted tickets and ensure that eligible residents have fair access.
Section 6. Community Benefit Reporting
(a) Annual Report: Teams benefiting from public financing must submit an annual report to the [State Economic Development Agency] detailing: (i) Total public financing received and how it was utilized.
(ii) Measures taken to provide public access to game broadcasts.
(iii) Participation in the affordable ticket program, including the number of tickets sold and the demographics of recipients.
(iv) Community engagement activities, including charitable contributions, youth programs, and partnerships with local organizations.
(b) Public Availability: The [State Economic Development Agency] shall publish the annual reports on its website for public review.
Section 7. Penalties for Non-Compliance
(a) Fines: Teams failing to comply with the public broadcast or affordable ticket requirements shall be subject to fines of up to $250,000 per violation.
(b) Ineligibility for Future Public Financing: Teams found to be in repeated violation of this Act shall be ineligible for additional public financing for a period of 5 years.
Section 8. Oversight and Enforcement
(a) The [State Broadcasting Authority] shall oversee compliance with the public broadcast requirements of this Act.
(b) The [State Economic Development Agency] shall oversee compliance with the affordable ticket program and community benefit reporting requirements.
(c) The [Attorney General] may take legal action to enforce the provisions of this Act.
Section 9. Severability. If any provision of this Act is found to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 10. Effective Date
This Act shall take effect 180 days after its enactment.