Hate-Free Heroes Act

The Hate-Free Heroes Act prohibits individuals who have been members of hate groups within the last ten years from serving in law enforcement or state militia roles. It establishes robust screening and enforcement mechanisms to ensure public safety officials uphold values of equality, respect, and dignity, fostering trust and security within communities.

Key Provisions

  • Prohibition on Service: Individuals with hate group affiliations in the past ten years are barred from serving in law enforcement or state militias. Current officials found to have been members face investigation and removal.

  • Screening and Oversight: Comprehensive background checks for applicants, overseen by a state authority maintaining an updated list of hate groups.

  • Appeals Process: Former members can appeal decisions by demonstrating disavowal of hate group principles and corrective actions.

  • Public Reporting: Annual reports ensure transparency in enforcement, including data on denials and appeal outcomes.

Model Language

Section 1: Short Title: This Act shall be known as the “Hate-Free Heroes Act.”

Section 2: Findings and Declarations

  1. Public safety officials play a critical role in maintaining trust, security, and fairness in diverse communities.

  2. Membership in hate groups undermines the principles of equality, dignity, and respect required for such roles.

  3. Prohibiting recent members of hate groups from serving in public safety positions strengthens community trust and upholds democratic values.

Section 3: Definitions

  1. Hate Group: An organization identified by credible sources, such as the U.S. Department of Justice or Southern Poverty Law Center, as promoting or engaging in hatred, violence, or discrimination against individuals based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics.

  2. Law Enforcement Roles: Includes positions within state and local police departments, sheriffs’ offices, and other agencies responsible for enforcing the law.

  3. State Militia Roles: Includes any member of a state-organized militia or national guard unit under state jurisdiction.

  4. Membership: Includes active participation, formal affiliation, financial support, or public endorsement of a hate group’s activities.

Section 4: Prohibition on Service

  1. Individuals who have been members of a hate group within the past ten years are prohibited from:

    1. Serving in any state or local law enforcement capacity.

    2. Holding any position within state-organized militia or national guard units.

  2. Current law enforcement officers and militia members found to have been hate group members within the past ten years shall be subject to immediate investigation and potential removal from their positions.

Section 5: Enforcement and Screening

  1. Background Checks: All applicants for law enforcement and state militia roles must undergo comprehensive background checks, including screening for affiliations with hate groups.

  2. Oversight Authority: A designated state office or commission shall oversee compliance, maintain a list of identified hate groups, and update screening protocols as necessary.

Section 6: Exceptions and Appeals

  1. Individuals may appeal findings of hate group affiliation by providing evidence to a state review board demonstrating:

    1. Their departure from the group and disavowal of its principles.

    2. Actions taken to counteract or rectify harm caused by their past affiliation.

  2. The review board shall have the discretion to approve appeals on a case-by-case basis, ensuring public accountability and transparency.

Section 7: Public Reporting and Accountability

Annual reports detailing the enforcement of this Act shall be published by the overseeing authority, including:

  1. The number of individuals denied roles based on hate group affiliations.

  2. Appeals filed and outcomes of such cases.

  3. Updates to the list of identified hate groups.

Section 8: Severability: If any provision of this Act is deemed invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect.

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